Thank you, Deutsche Telekom, for not fixing our DSL today 🙁
Thank you, Deutsche Telekom, for not fixing our DSL today :-(
Thank you, Deutsche Telekom, for not fixing our DSL today :-(
This Hackers Den – Matze's Hackerstübchen
Software. Electronics. Personal Rants.
Thank you, Deutsche Telekom, for not fixing our DSL today 🙁
why....... ? DT? why........ It's not a big surprise isn't it? Last time I got in touch with them where back in 2007,... it took lovely endless weeks for them to provide me DSL, and yes this incredible fast service did cost me only something about 60 € installation fee....
I like UM, I have 100MBit, HD TV, Phone,... free install for just 45€ a month... and they provided me their service before I even got my stuff in my flat.
Always tomorrow.... hope the best, be prepared for the worst
Amen Sergio Vergata
DT technician just left, maybe this evening?
And now the magic question... fixed?