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9 thoughts on “The year of the Linux Desktop was last year ;)

  1. Vladimir Pantelic

    too bad that does not work here. I added x-eagle as per your screenshot and "associated" .brd and .sch with it, the files were opened in geda and that failed of course... your turn

  2. Vladimir Pantelic

    Matthias Welwarsky as I said in the other post, assume I am a standard user. so I have no idea what you are talking about. what is a mimey type? where in the desktop control panel do I see/edit/add mime types? where does the "File Associations" dialog mention mime types? all I see it mention are "Find file type or filename pattern"  and I see a list of file extensions for the known file types. 

  3. Matthias Welwarsky

    Vladimir Pantelic Well sadly, Eugly doesn't integrate with XDG properly, by not supplying the necessary metadata, so as a "typical desktop user" (which no Eagle user actually is, not even on Windows), you're now fucked. Go file a complaint with Cadsoft. You, however, complained that KDE would not let you change "file associations", and I demonstrated it does so quite nicely.

  4. Vladimir Pantelic

    for the record, "KDE does not let a user associate files with a certain extension with an app of the users choosing, at least not using the Configure Desktop UI". 

  5. Matthias Welwarsky

    Nice trolling. But ineffective. What you (probably?) want could not be done by a "typical user" anyway, at least not while you picture him to be someone so technology-averse that he's not able/willing to look at the problem in a classical, scientific way instead of a purely idealized, "romantic" fashion. The whole "typical user" problem was solved long ago by adding metadata to software packages, be they in .cab, .rpm, .deb, .apk or .ipk form, and by creating standards like XDG to make this packaging process convenient for software vendors across platforms. But what you describe is not a "typical user" problem, and the solution you picture is a sugar coated power-user feature for fixing the negligent laziness of a  vendor who couldn't be arsed to fix his broken mess.

    And anyway, where's Chromecast for AVP?


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